I know you can relate with the following.
Modern times have shifted healthcare practices. Often, it is you the nurse, holding your patient's hand as they die.
In some cases, even you the nurse aren't able to provide human touch at the end of life.
Nursing was already a profession that that can consume you. The pandemic has now brought many of you to a place in which you are experiencing a lot of stress. One of your biggest stressors may be, all your personal relationships.
You of all people know how important your personal relationships are. Unfortunately, your personal relationships may not be in the healthiest of shape right now. Do you find yourself:
Checking your energy level before you even look at the caller id?
How many times in the past few weeks, have most of your received calls gone to voice mail?
Do you give yourself time limits with some conversations?
Coming up with excuses as to why you are not calling?
I get it! I was there, if not worse. Each time the phone would ring, I would say to myself you do not need to answer it.
I would feel misdirected rage towards my loved ones. Maybe, they were doing things, I did not agree with.
I knew that at the end of the day, I did not want to lose my tribe.
The cost of being “RIGHT” is sometimes too great of a cost. I decided that I loved my friends and family more than my need to be right.
I knew at the end of the day; my loved ones are my everything. Nothing else matters. Who do you get to share life with, if not your loved ones?
You can keep the distance between you and your loved ones or find a way to bridge the distance. How would that be if it did not taste like you were swallowing a bitter pill?
My clients go through breakdowns, transitions, breakthroughs, and transformation.
Brand new classes
The best educators are those that take complex information and break it down into the simplistic.
Charlotte is very intuitive and is able to guide you exactly where you need to go, before you even know you need to go there. This gift led me to a revelation that has helped move me forward with my vision and goals. I confidently recommend her wonderful coaching services.
I rarely come across real talents who stand out like Charlotte’s ability to provide the best outcome for her clients! Working together to achieve a transformational experience is done in a supportive safe space. Upon completion of the session, you will leave feeling inspired, motivated and optimistic about what life has to offer.
I cannot begin to thank you enough for all the kindness, and warmth you gave my husband and I in our most difficult time.
Thank you for taking out the bad days and keeping me with good days and really making me feel like someone really cared for me.